

图片 多伦多
图片 多伦多 在Panoramio的
商业类别 多伦多
旅游忠告和警告 多伦多
Life style Language of Toronto The leading language of Toronto is English, even though both French and English are used as official languages. Most services are accessible in either of the two languages but you will also find Chinese, Italian, Greek and many other languages in Toronto.
These aren’t declared as official languages of Toronto, but there are thousands of people coming from different ethnic backgrounds in this Canadian city.
Although French is an official language in Toronto, it is not widely spoken in the city. The main reason why French was adopted an official language is because the rest of Canada speaks French. There are, however, not a lot of French people residing in Toronto, and there language and culture wouldn’t be found as common as any other culture.
You’ll find several places where people from different cultural background live. These places often have dual-language street names. Chinatown, Little Italy and Little Portugal are excellent examples of these. You’ll find a lot of small restaurants and pubs throughout Toronto where you can see different ethnic groups and their culture.
Tourism Seneca’s Tourism and Travel Diploma program is designed to provide you with an understanding of the skills, knowledge and attitudes required to work in the leisure, cruise and corporate travel sectors. Emphasis is placed on developing and honing your marketing, professional selling, negotiation, computer reservation, and tourism geography skills. You will study and work in the Seneca uniform. By living this standard each day, you'll become practiced in formal, occupation-specific presentation, and prepare for the real world*. Best of all, as a student of the Travel and Tourism program, you will gain 150 hours of valuable field placement work experience as well as an opportunity to take an optional coop placement. Prior to graduation and launching your professional career you will write the Canadian Institute of Travel Counsellors’, Travel Counsellor Certification*.
Cultura The City of Toronto is proud to play a vital role in the cultural life of the city. Committed to the development of arts and culture in the City of Toronto, the Toronto Culture undertakes a range of responsibilities including:
the operation and administration of many museums, historic sites, performing and visual arts centres;financial support for cultural activity and individual artists;encouraging public art projects in both private and public developments; and
assisting a wide range of community arts organizations in accessing and sharing municipal services and facilities.
Central to the mandate of the Toronto Culture is:
promoting the development of arts, culture and heritage throughout the City;
ensure accessibility to a variety of cultural activities that enhance the cultural attractions of the Toronto Region; and
providing direct cultural services through its museums and historic sites, and supporting the entire cultural sector of the community.
Sights Toronto has a multitude of ethnic neighbourhoods, including Greektown (where the action keeps going until way after midnight), Little Italy, Corso Italia, 3 Chinatowns, Korea Town, Little Poland, Little India, Portugal Village. Other ethnic communities also congregate in certain parts of town and you can explore Jewish, Russian, Ukrainian, Somalian and many other restaurants and stores. There you can browse for ethnic food, fashion and art from far away places and check out delicacies from the entire world in Toronto's more than 7000 restaurants.

多伦多, 加拿大

星期三 24, 4月

从Wikipedia约 多伦多

多伦多 (Toronto)是加拿大安大略省的首府。多伦多市的人口超过250万,是加拿大最大的城市,亦是北美第五大城市。多伦多市坐落于安大略湖西北岸,是大多伦多地区的心脏地区,也是安大略省南部人口稠密区(称作“金馬蹄地區”,有810万人口)的一部分。 大多伦多地区的总人口包括杜林區(561, 258)、夏顿区(439, 256)、皮尔区(1, 159, 405),以及约克区(892, 712)4个自治区。这些人口数据取自 这些大多伦多地区自治区的数据表格被列在了 城市区有5, 113, 149位居民。 在2006年人口普查中,大多伦多区有5, 555, 912位居民。

作為加拿大的经济中心,多伦多是一個世界级城市, "查阅 多伦多证券交易所是世界第七大交易所,总部设于市内,有多数加拿大公司在这里上市。

多伦多的国际性人口 体现出它是前往加拿大移民的重要落腳點。
而市内49%的人口是在加拿大以外誕生 ,也造就多倫多成為世上種族最多樣化的城市之一。目前多伦多的低犯罪率、潔淨的環境、高生活水准、以及对多樣文化的包容性,令該市被多個经济学智囊团列为世界上最宜居的城市之一。 另一方面,多伦多於2006年被列為加拿大生活成本最高的城市。


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