

城市 西班牙  
国家信息 国家代码: ES
大陆: 欧洲
资本: 马德里
语言: 西班牙语


手机: 900/1800
全球定位系统: 40 00 N, 4 00 W
电力: 230V/50Hz

欧洲联盟欧元: EUR
1EUR = 1.2656 USD

电话代码: +34-91

旅游忠告和警告 西班牙
运输 我们包括关于在西班牙最重要的交通信息,就如何围绕西班牙飞机,火车,汽车,出租车,水路,和更多的信息。如果您访问西班牙,这将是有用的,知道这一切,因为西班牙是欧洲最大的国家之一,并在西班牙旅行,将带你一段时间。
成本 西班牙已经停止,因为它是以前便宜;但是,它仍然是比欧洲北部的便宜。你将花费你的假期,取决于很多因素,如你选择留在省内或镇,或您决定dothere的活动。入场费最古迹,是相当便宜。公共交通是提供以合理的价格,(不包括高速列车,它可以比一些飞机航班更快)。
饮食 西班牙美食是多种多样的西班牙景观。手牵手的地区去与他们的饮食文化。餐厅和包厢(comedores)是在西班牙吃的两种方式。西班牙周围的餐馆有一个广泛的大城市提供国际,传统和区域粮食和五星级的餐厅提供了大量的menusof所有这些类型的菜肴。西班牙美食反映在西班牙的各种传统,虽然很多人混淆西班牙美食与拉美食品,它创造了自己的身份,周围的世界上是独一无二的。
节日 在西班牙的节日和庆祝活动,充满生机。虽然广泛,西班牙弗拉门戈和斗牛,这个国家有几个节日和庆典和大多数城镇都有自己除了国家的。大部分节日在西班牙宗教的起源,但是,这些天来,这每一个庆祝的宗教成分通常是次要的。
历史 西班牙的历史,在欧洲其他国家不同,它涵盖了史前伊比利亚半岛,一个全球帝国的兴起和衰落,作为欧盟成员国,西班牙最近的历史。据最早的原始人类住区的第一纪录,最早的居民是微观磁振了大约35, 000年前的比利牛斯山脉从北。
Culture The culture of Spain is a European culture based on a variety of influences. These include the pre-Roman cultures, mainly the celts and the Iberians cultures; but mainly in the period of Roman influences. In the areas of language and religion, the Ancient Romans left a lasting legacy. The subsequent course of Spanish history also added elements to the country's cultural development.
The Visigothic Kingdom left a sense of a united Christian Hispania that was going to be welded in the Reconquista. Muslim influences were strong during the period of 711 AD to the 15th century, especially with loan words. The Spanish language, derives directly from Vulgar Latin, and has minor influences from pre-roman languages like barro -mud-, gothic guerra -war-, Arabic and basque. Other minorities includes the Jewish population in some cities, but after the defeat of the Muslims during the Christian "Reconquista" (Reconquest) period between 1000 and 1492, Spain became an almost entirely Roman Catholic country. In addition, the history of the nation and its Mediterranean and Atlantic environment have played a significant role in shaping its culture.
By the end of the 19th and 20th , the Spaniards made expressions of cultural diversity easier than it had been for the last seven centuries. This occurred at the same period that Spain became increasingly drawn into a diverse international culture.
Spain has the second highest number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the world, with a total of 42

马德里, 西班牙

星期四 18, 4月

从Wikipedia约 西班牙

西班牙王国 (西语:Reino de España )、通稱西班牙 (西语:España ),古聖經稱之士班雅 ,是一个位於欧洲西南部的国家,与葡萄牙同处於伊比利亚半岛,东北部与法国及安道尔公国接壤。它的领土还包括地中海中的巴利阿里群岛,大西洋的加那利群岛,以及在非洲的休达和梅利利亚,其國際代碼為ES。

Description above from the Wikipedia, licensed under CC-BY-SA full list of contributors here.