

图片 斯特拉斯堡
图片 斯特拉斯堡 在Panoramio的
商业类别 斯特拉斯堡
旅游忠告和警告 斯特拉斯堡
Tourism Strasbourg, in eastern France, is the seventh largest city in France. Strasbourg has a rich architectural history - the entire city center of Strasbourg is classified as world heritage. Strasbourg makes a fine center for exploration of the Alsace region of France.
Cultura Strasbourg is a city with very rich and vibrant cultural life. Due to its unique position on the very border of France, cultural heritage of Alsace represents a mix of both French and German influences. Wide variety of interesting cultural activities are on daily display - whether you're a fan of opera, theatre, or vaudeville and cabaret shows, you will definitely find Strasbourg's cultural life appealing enough to make your stay even more profound.
Sights While I was living in southern Germany I was lucky enough to have a short stay over the border in Strasbourg, France as part of a press trip. When somebody else is footing the bill, any town seems just that little bit nicer, but I think that Strasbourg is a beautiful city for any visitor.
Sitting close to the German border in the Alsace region of France, Strasbourg has both an interesting mix of French and German culture, as well as the importance of being one of the capitals of the European Union. While modern-day Strasbourg is clearly more French than German, it is also a little international in feel and a really interesting spot to spend a couple of days.
Cost Bread (French baguette): 1 €
a metro/bus ticket: 1. 60 €
a cinema ticket: 9 €
a postage stamp at the normal rate: 0. 56 €
a sandwich: 4 €
a meal in a restaurant: 12-20 €

斯特拉斯堡, 法国

星期三 24, 4月

从Wikipedia约 斯特拉斯堡

斯特拉斯堡 (Strasbourg;StraßburgAdrian Room - ,分别关于生物制药科学(Alsace Biovalley)以及未来交通工具(Véhicule du Futur) 。



斯特拉斯堡是法国乃至西欧公路、铁路和内河航运的重要中心。斯特拉斯堡港是莱茵河沿线的第二大港口,仅次于德国的杜伊斯堡 。该市也是萊茵河航運中央執委會的驻地。

斯特拉斯堡的历史中心位于伊尔河两条支流环绕的大岛(Grande Île),这一区域拥有中世纪以来的大量精美建筑,包括斯特拉斯堡大教堂與小法兰西,1988年被联合国教科文组织列为世界文化遗产,这也是首次有一个城市的整个市中心区域获此荣誉。
Description above from the Wikipedia, licensed under CC-BY-SA full list of contributors here.