

图片 上海
图片 上海 在Panoramio的
商业类别 上海
旅游忠告和警告 上海
Tourism Shanghai is a truly epic city and is the biggest city in the whole of the People's Republic of China. A modern city with massive department stores and stylish buildings towering high into the sky, Shanghai is an expanding and ever-changing metropolis with a prospering tourism industry and plenty of action.

The municipality of Shanghai covers a vast area, although the actual city itself in more compact and moderately sized. Shanghia city centre consists of two main regions, Pudong and Puxi, being separated by the winding Huangpu River. For information about the city's layout and more, the various Shanghai Tourist Information Centres are a great place to begin your visit, with outlets along Nanjing Donglu and Jiujiaochang Lu, near to the eye-catching Temple of the Gods.
Cultura Shanghai has a little bit of everything, depending on where you spend your time. Culturally, you can retreat to the comforts of home, or you can venture out and experience the local life. High end places in the city like West Nanjing Road, Xintiandi, and Hengshan Road are places filled with people in high fashion going to high end stores like Versace, Tiffany’s, Chanel, and a huge Sony gallery. Other parts of the city show much more of a mixture of class and dress, but with a tendency towards cosmopolitan hipness not found in other parts of China.
Shanghai has a culture of activeness, a busy city where aside from the daily commute to and from work, people make the time to run to the fresh market for daily groceries, walk around the city and maybe do a little shopping, and even take part in early morning exercises in parks and other pedestrian areas. There are also dance and exercise groups in the evenings, most notably in People’s Square, in front of YuYuan Garden, and also at Zhongshan Park(changning Rd * dingxi Rd).
Shopping Shanghai is hailed as the "Shopping Paradise" and "Oriental Paris". So if you come to Shanghai, shopping should not be missed any more than its other charming attractions. Providing the very best of shopping has become an indispensable part of Shanghai's tourism industry.
Shopping areas in Shanghai are clearly divided into "Four Streets and Four Cities". Nanjing Road (including East Nanjing Road and West Nanjing Road), one of the four streets, enjoys the reputation of No. 1 Commercial Street in China. Developed from the beginning of the 20th century, Nanjing Road has clusters of a wide variety of shops from those that are centuries old, to special ones and modern malls. In these modern times, Nanjing Road is not out done by its numerous competitors but becomes more and more prosperous. Huaihai Road, no less famous than Nanjing Road, is celebrated for its elegance. It features top-end designer brands from all over the world. North Sichuan Road offers good inexpensive merchandise and is always the first choice of ordinary people. Food and tourism are well provided for on Middle Tibet Road, one of the Four Streets.
Specialities Porcelains
If you are a enthusiast of porcelain, you can go to Shanghai Museum where some of the best porcelain are on offer. Most of them are curiosas in the world. In some big department stores, you may find porcelain made in Jingdezhen. The location of the museum is No. 201 Renming Da Dao.
Shanghai is one of China’s most important regions for silk production and export. The variety of silk fabrics available is astounding including silk, damask, damask silk, brocade, crape, arrowroot, slub, gauze, etc. , which are always admired by the customers both home and abroad. Printed and embroidered silk are also popular and plentiful especially the silk with “the Chinese Painting” as the theme. Its old-timey scene as well as the brand-new technique is rare.

上海, 中国

星期四 25, 4月

从Wikipedia约 上海

上海市 (;),简称沪 ,别称申 ,中华人民共和国中央直辖市、国家中心城市。上海位于中国南北弧形海岸线中部,长江三角洲最东部。全市最北部为处于长江入海口中的崇明岛,东向东海,并隔海与日本九州岛相望,南濒杭州湾,西部与江苏、浙江两省相接。

上海于新石器时代便有人类文明的遗迹 。先秦至元代,上海渐成为重要的粮、盐产地。明代起,上海因松江棉布而“衣被天下” ,成为重要的棉纺织基地。1843年开埠后,上海因地利、政策之便,在近现代科技文化与工商业领域等诸多方面领中国之先。经过百年的发展,上海形成今天的城市规模及风貌,从东南海滨仅有60万人口的县城发展成为今天拥有逾2000万居民、人口来自全球各地的国际都会。 目前,上海是全球最重要的商业、经济、科教艺术城市之一。此外,上海也是中国内地的商业、经济中心以及国际航运和国际会展中心 ,是世界公认的全球最主要快速发展的经济体的展示窗口,“为中外观瞻之所系”。 源于1937年淞沪会战时期,国民政府主席蒋中正讲话 根據2011年5月最新報告顯示,上海市常住人口已突破2300萬人。
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