Andorra la Vella

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Pildid Andorra la Vella
Pildid Andorra la Vella kell Panoramio
Commercial kategooriad Andorra la Vella
Informatsioon kategooriad
Travel nõuandeid ja hoiatusi Andorra la Vella
Elanikkonna he population of Andorra is estimated at 77, 281 (2016). The population has grown from 5, 000 in 1900.

Two-thirds of residents lack Andorran nationality and do not have the right to vote in communal elections. Moreover, they are not allowed to be elected as president[clarification needed] or to own more than 33% of the capital stock of a privately held company.

Andorra la Vella, Andorra

Reede 19, Aprill
Broneeri hotell


Andorra, Andorra la Vella